Tuesday, June 13, 2017

Hello, My name is Omar Hammad and this is my first Blog with Python Software Foundation.
My GSoC project is with Stingray. Stingray is a python library that helps astronaumers research and create timing analysis to study black holes and track their activity. (How cool is that?)
My project is about optimizing the python code.
Optimization can come in any form time\memory efficiency or even code neatness and structure.
So far my project is going great and am already learning a lot, for example: when I used to write programs (outside of GSoC) I generally did not pay much attention on how my program would react under a large number of inputs. Then when I was performing some tests in my GSoC project, my Cpu would absolutely freeze. I thought it was a matter of a high time complexity algorithm being used in the code that makes my Cpu freeze, But what I've learned new is that when I use large data set in a program if the space being occupied by the program is more than what the RAM has availble, the Ram would start swapping the disk memory which is extremely slow (compared to the RAM).
So I guess I had to learn the hard way to pay attention on how much memory my program uses and I must always keep that in mind to create scalable\efficient programs. I'm really looking forward to learn more and more throughout the summer and have an impact in Stingray.

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